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Roles and Responsibilities

Executive Board Members



1st Vice President

2nd Vice President




Other Board Members

Delegates to MCCPTA

Membership & Directory Chair

Volunteer Coordinator

Patriots News Chair

Staff Appreciation Chair

Student Engagement Chair

Parent Student Network Liaisons

Fundraising Chair

Social Media Coordinator

Community Outreach Chair



The President shall: 

  • manage overall objectives and strategies of PTSA;

  • act as liaison between PTSA and the school;

  • submit the annual PTSA budget, in cooperation with the treasurer, to the general membership for approval;

  • preside at all meetings of the PTSA, the board of directors, and the executive committee;

    • determine the agenda in cooperation with the recording secretary;

    • call the meeting to order at the designated time, if quorum verified, proceeds with the PTSA’s business;

    • maintain a fair and impartial position at all times and encourage members to participate;

    • take no part in any discussion while presiding, refrain from expressing a personal opinion on questions before the board, and avoid personal bias when giving information to the PTSA;

    • stand to preside and follow the accepted order of business; refer to self impersonally as ‘the chair’;

    • state each motion clearly after it has been seconded before allowing discussion;

    • declare the result of every vote taken;

    • call upon the 1st vice president to preside when wishing to speak to a motion or to leave the chair; the president then has all the privileges of a member, including that of addressing the officer temporarily presiding, and return to the chair only after the vote has been announced;

    • may vote when voting is by ballot; in other cases, may case a vote to create or break a tie if the result is in the best interest of the PTSA;

    • recognize a member who has not previously spoken to the question in preference to one who already has spoken.

  • conduct meetings of the executive committee and board of directors;

  • consult with officers and chairs before each meeting to ensure that details of the meeting are completed as planned;

  • coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTSA in order that the purposes may be promoted;

  • delegate to the vice presidents administrative duties as needed;

  • serve as a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee, and not seek to influence the nominating process in any way;

  • review bank statements monthly and initial;

  • manage the Student Enrichment Grants and Staff Professional Development Grants solicitation and evaluation; and

  • represent this PTSA at all council meetings or send an alternate.


The President-Elect shall:

  • Shadow the current president

  • Assist the President with the duties of the position

  • Assume the role of the President after the end of the term of the current president


The 1st Vice President shall:

  • act as the primary aide to the president;

  • perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of the president to serve;

  • preside at meetings in the absence of the president or upon the president’s inability to serve;

  • represent the president when requested;

  • create themes and recruit guest speakers for the general membership meetings;

  • conduct specific events as needed, including in coordination with parent student networks; and

  • provide advance notification of events and summaries of events to Patriots News chair to publish in the Patriots News.


The 2nd Vice President shall:

  • act as the aide to the president;

  • perform the duties of the 1st vice president in the absence or inability of the 1st vice president to serve;

  • preside at meetings in the absence of the president and 1st vice president or upon the president’s and 1st vice president’s inability to serve;

  • represent the president when requested;

  • perform outreach to potential fund raising organizations (e.g., mock SAT/ACT vendor)

  • perform outreach to the following Wootton organizations but not limited to:

    • School Wellness Committee

    • Student Government Association (SGA)

    • Booster Club

    • Student Clubs

And, as a result, coordinate the following events but not limited to:

  • International Night (coordinating with parent student networks)

  • Mock SAT/ACT Tests (4 to 5 times)

  • Monthly Principal's Morning Coffee

The Treasurer shall:

  • read and become familiar with the National PTA Money Matters Quick Reference Guide, Maryland PTA Cash Encounters and the local, state, and national PTA Bylaws;

  • have custody of all funds of the PTSA held in the PTSA bank account;

  • receive all monies and deposit them in a timely manner in the PTSA bank account;

  • keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures including reconciliation of the bank statement each month;

  • make disbursements as authorized by the president or board of directors of the PTSA in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTSA;

  • present a written financial statement at every meeting of the executive committee, the board of directors, the general membership and at other times when requested by the board of directors;

  • make a full report before the newly elected officers officially assume their duties;

  • submit the annual PTSA budget, in consultation with the president, to the general membership for approval;

  • send the state and national portions of the membership dues to the Maryland PTA office by the dates designated by Maryland PTA;

  • be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as to conform to the requirements of Article IV, Section 13 of these bylaws;

  • be responsible for preparing and filing all necessary tax forms and submitting a copy to the Maryland PTA office within thirty (30) days of filing;

  • have the accounts examined at the close of the fiscal year and upon change of treasurer by an auditor or an auditing committee of not less than three (3) persons who, satisfied that the treasurer’s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. An auditor or an auditing committee shall be selected by the board of directors at least thirty (30) days before the new officers assume their duties;

  • submit a copy of the annual financial review to Maryland PTA within 120 days following the local fiscal year (fiscal year ends June 30 so send by October 30); and

  •  deliver to successor, unless the PTSA has otherwise ordered, all books, papers, and correspondence pertaining to the office of treasurer, including the audited books, approved and paid bills, canceled checks, plans, and procedures.


 The Secretary shall:

  • record the minutes of all meetings of the PTSA, the board of directors, and executive committee;

  • read or distribute the minutes of the previous meeting;

  • submit approved minutes for inclusion on the PTSA website;

  • file all records;

  • act as custodian of all records, except those specifically assigned to others

  • have a current copy of the bylaws and standing rules;

  • maintain a current membership list;

  • in consultation with and at the request of the president, prepare in advance of each meeting a complete agenda, showing the order in which business should come before the group;

  • maintain an attendance record. At executive committee meetings, take roll call by voice. At regular meetings, take roll by having the members sign in. Prepare sign-in sheet. (These procedure establish that a quorum is present for each meeting);

  • count a rising vote when requested by the presiding officer;

  • furnish delegates with credentials for voting at convention; and

  • deliver all minutes, records, reports, procedure book and other pertinent materials to successor.

  • review, maintain and respond to all correspondence addressed to the PTSA;

  • read correspondence at all meetings of this local PTSA, the board of directors, and executive committee;

  • maintain email databases of the followings but not limited to: all school parents separated by students’ grade, all school teachers, board of directors, executive committee;

  • send email blasts as requested by the board of directors and executive committee;

  • maintain and update PTSA website; and

  • maintain and update PTSA calendar of events.

The Delegates to MCCPTA shall

  • represent the PTSA as a voting member of the MCCPTA;

  • attend all meetings of the PTSA and the MCCPTA;

  • participate fully in MCCPTA discussions and deliberations; each delegate is entitled to make motions, debate and vote at the MCCPTA meeting;

  • take notes of announcements and the program at MCCPTA meeting and give a full report to PTSA board of directors;

  • pass the announcements and important actions of MCCPTA to Patriots News chair to publish in the Patriots News;

  • bring before MCCPTA any concerns or action items from the PTSA, which the delegate is directed to introduce;

  • report to MCCPTA PTSA’s decision on matters referred to it for approval or information;

  • share information on PTSA activities, programs, and publications with other PTA/PTSAs;

  • encourage PTSA members to attend MCCPTA programs and support MCCPTA projects;

  • use MCCPTA meetings to become acquainted with delegates of other school PTA/PTSAs.


The Membership and Directory Chair shall

  • present a plan of work to the board of directors meeting in advance of the first regular PTSA meeting; plan shall be approved before the committee work begins;

  • present a budget request with supportive information to the treasurer;

  • set the membership goal;

  • maintain and update the membership form;

  • maintain and update the membership due receiving system (working with the treasurer) and issue receipt for every membership application;

  • recruit PTSA members;

  • conduct membership drive at the following school events:

    • Meet the Coaches Night (fall semester)

    • New Student Picnic

    • Back to School Night (fall semester)

    • Columbus Day Open House

  • set up and sit at the membership table at each PTSA meeting;

  • provide printed materials for back to school packets for students and teachers/staff;

  • create and update electronic and printed materials for membership drive;

  • distribute membership cards to paid members;

  • provide number of membership to treasurer to pay the national, state and county membership dues;

  • maintain a current membership list;

  • work with A-to-Z to publish directory; and

  • distribute the directories to paid members.


The Volunteer Coordinator shall

  • present a plan of work to the board of directors meeting in advance of the first regular PTSA meeting; plan shall be approved before the committee work begins;

  • present a budget request with supportive information to the treasurer;

  • recruit volunteers for all PTSA events;

  • maintain a current volunteer list;

  • record volunteer hours monthly; and

  • host a volunteer appreciation breakfast or lunch before the school ends.


The Patriots News Chair shall

  • present a plan of work to the board of directors meeting in advance of the first regular PTSA meeting; plan shall be approved before the committee work begins;

  • collect and edit Patriots News weekly;

  • distribute Patriots News to all parents weekly; and

  • distribute ad hoc Patriots News upon requests from the board of directors and executive committee.


 The Student Engagement Chair shall

  • present a plan of work to the board of directors meeting in advance of the first regular PTSA meeting; plan shall be approved before the committee work begins;

  • present a budget request with supportive information to the treasurer;

  • coordinate the following senior student engagement events:

    • Senior Breakfast (October)

    • Homecoming (i.e., school decoration) (October)

    • Post prom (May)

    • Graduation (i.e., graduation bus) (May)


The Staff Appreciation Chair shall

  • present a plan of work to the board of directors meeting in advance of the first regular PTSA meeting; plan shall be approved before the committee work begins;

  • present a budget request with supportive information to the treasurer;

  • coordinate the following staff appreciation events:

    • Back to School Breakfast (September)

    • Pie and Cider (October)

    • Cookie Exchange (December)

    • Lunar New Year Lunch (March, sponsored by Asian Parent Student Network)

    • Book and Bag Lunch (April)

    • Teacher Appreciation Week (first full week in May) and Teacher Appreciation Day (Tuesday of the week)

    • End of School Lunch (June)


The Parent Student Network Liaisons shall

  • present a plan of work to the board of directors meeting in advance of the first regular PTSA meeting; plan shall be approved before the committee work begins;

  • present a budget request with supportive information to the treasurer;

  • conduct at least 2 network specific meetings, one in the fall and the other in the spring;

  • recruit PTSA members to the network;

  • translate PTSA materials to foreign languages when needed;

  • sponsor at least one special event (working with the 1st vice president to determine the topic and date, e.g., National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, National African American History Month in February, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month in May);

  • sponsor at least one staff appreciation event (working with the Staff Appreciation Chair);

  • sponsor at least one table/booth at the International Night.

1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Recording Secretay
Delegates to MCCPTA
Membership and Directory Chair
Volunteer Coordinator
Patriots News Chair
Student Engagement Chair
Staff Appreciation Chair
Parent Student Network Liaisons
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